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Cuntometer (noun), Device for detecting cunts, example lawyers, politicians or estate agents. One holds the cuntometer in front of the target. If the target is a “cunt” then the device will show red, otherwise it shows green.

I met that sales guy from the estate agents yesterday, lucky I had my cuntometer, it showed red and I told him to f***k off and stick his beaujeu apartment up his ass.

by Dr Lingus November 6, 2008

74👍 14👎


Noun : Holesaler refers to a person engaged in the activity of selling holes. For the purpose of the definition the “holes” referred to are human orifices, a person engaging in this activity will be commonly classified as a pimp. A person selling a large hole in the ground would be defined as an auctioneer or estate agent.

Look at that horrible holesaler selling that lady’s ass! , but look over there at that estate agent selling that big hole in ground.

by Dr Lingus December 18, 2007

63👍 9👎


Minj is the Mongolian word for beaver. Beavers are semi-aquatic rodents, they are the only living members of the family Castoridae, which contains a single genus, Castor.

Some care must be taken when using the word Minj. When one uses the word Minj one must ensure that:

(a) One is in Mongolia
(b) That there is a nice furry Beaver in the vicinity.

Oh ! , look a lovely furry wet Minj , lets go fondle and pet it. (Before you say this please note the two usage rules above)

by Dr Lingus May 28, 2008

174👍 48👎


Noun , meaning seller of arse. Monger used as in fish monger, iron monger. One who sells arse, a pimp

Goodness ! , these goes that horrible arsemonger, he's not a nice person at all.

by Dr Lingus December 11, 2007

59👍 15👎