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Lice cream squirter

It's when u forcefully shoot out the syphilis infected cum out of your vagina or anus

When the cum fell out of her I knew she was a lice cream squirter

by Dr bigbirddickyinuranus July 10, 2019

Lice cream squirter

It's when u forcefully shoot out the syphilis infected cum out of your vagina or anus

When the cum fell out of her I knew she was a lice cream squirter

by Dr bigbirddickyinuranus July 10, 2019


Wierdo- meaning to be attractive yet also give off daddy vibes

Damn girl look at that wierdo over there he gives off daddy vibes

by Dr bigbirddickyinuranus March 9, 2023

Birdie gang

A group of people who are flush and who occasionally munging

There's a birdie gang over there

by Dr bigbirddickyinuranus July 10, 2019