Source Code

Confederate States of America

A group of states that didn't like the way United States of America was going, so they said they weren't really part of the United States of America anymore. The rest of the country didn't like this, so they started a war. A lot of people think the war was fought over slavery, but that was just one issue among many. Most southerners didn't even own slaves, although most of the ones who did owned a lot of them. The next most common thing is to own one slave or no slaves.

If the Confederate States of America had won, things would be so much better now. People would've abolished slavery eventually and the Confederate States of America were much more for state rights than our government is today.

by Dr. Batido December 25, 2005

636๐Ÿ‘ 428๐Ÿ‘Ž

Communist Leader

An advocater of communism who has achieved political power.

Leon Trotsky, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and any other communist leader besides the losers in china and vietnam, who don't count, seem to have beards. Go figure.

by Dr. Batido December 24, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A company that makes music stuff. I don't know about their other instruments, but their trombones suck. Don't get a jupiter trombone, unless you want to really be able to apreciate a half decent trombone. Their other instruments probably suck as much.

I played a jupiter trombone in sixth grade that we rented. In seventh I asked for a yamaha because they looked cooler. The slide is much easier to move and the instrument itself is much lighter. It's still not all that great, but it's good enough for a highschooler. We've continued to rent the same trombone for three years now and some day I'm going to buy it out of slavery, for sentimental value if nothing else, even though I really could use one with an f key.

by Dr. Batido December 25, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž