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Mountain Lion

An attractively seductive older Man who prefers younger woman. He’s the Man who doesn’t lose the swagger and multiple divorce papers as he ages, much past His deflated dusty prime. He’ll steal your girl like Hugh Jackman and pass her on to Johnny fucking Sins. He’s the silver fox, the Ron Swanson of men, the Matthew Mcconaughey of Boy’s . He has that Letter Kenney/Red Green tongue the will chirp harder than four girls and two Milf’ s currently in his bed. He’s got money like Jordan Belford, and can last longer than Viagra mixed with 5 Hour energy. And Godammit he’s a veteran.

Did you hear about the new history teacher?

He’s such a Mountain Lion

by Dr. Benjamin, Dufuk Dover October 14, 2020


-A person who is inexperienced with strip clubs, and feels guilt about going/ being a part of one.
-A type of person who pays for a strip club membership, but doesn’t go due to guilt of being a member to a strip club. (Will usually stop by fumble with they’re ID but leave anyway in the first 8 minutes.

“Dude John is so blemished, he walked around town all night trying to find a strip club, and when he finally made it, they took his ID and he left to go to a college party”

by Dr. Benjamin, Dufuk Dover May 6, 2021