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The act of being a professional childhood alcoholic, traveling door-to-door in search of the next fix, targeting wealthy neighbors. Common tactics include gaslighting, guilt tripping and other manipulative tactics.

**See original lyrics for further reference.

Kid: Hey bro I’m sober and hating it. Wanna go Wassailing after school and get shitfaced?

Friend: Duh.

by Dr. Brostein December 20, 2022

Devil’s Paper-Maché

A substance created when toilet paper is used to clean up jizz.

Not desirable, should only be done as a last resort or when creating really cool art.

Guy after sex “Here’s some toilet paper”
Woman “I’m not tryna make the devil’s paper-maché. Get me a damn towel or something.”

by Dr. Brostein December 22, 2022