The disposition of a lion; lion-hearted; from Leon, a lion, and ard, Teutonic, nature, disposition. German origin.
Leonardâs are known to be fiercely loyal, dependable and upholds the ideals of truth and justice. Leonardâs possess extreme analytical minds and an uncanny ability to know when they are being deceived or lied to. Most Leonardâs are physicists, engineers or in some capacity of the intelligence community. On a more disturbing note, the criminal Leonards, although few in numbers are true masterminds, nefarious and almost impossible to arrest and convict. They love to work with their hands and are able to fix anything. Leonard is the most common name in the science community.
They love to laugh, are self-effacing, witty, smart, cunning and methodical. They have a way of finding joy in all. They are very practical and level headed. They are the most passionate amazing lovers and will always take care of the woman they are with. Most men in the Pornography industry's birth name was Leonard. Leonard is the man every man aspires to be and every woman desires.
I thought I out-smarted him until he pulled a Leonard on me, I knew I had been defeated.
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