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Morbius, a true story of a man named Dr. Michael Morbius. He was crippled as fuck and then he found this dope ass cave in like Vietnam or something. Then there was this god damn cs:go mystery box he dug up from the depths of hell and became Batman's half-brother. From that point on, he would use a popular phrase mostly used by children 13 and under which is "It's Morbin time," and would then proceed to slaughter any innocent person within a 15-mile radius. Overall, this movie is now a classic masterpiece and probably falls between Star-Wars the Clone Wars, and the 2005 Willy Wonka movie.

Morber: Guys I'm finna morb really quick gimme a sec...
Morber friend: Yo chill out jit. I ain't tryna get morbed right now...
Morber: I AM MORBIUS...

by Dr. Michael Morbius June 24, 2022

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