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-a contemptibly naive, fatuous, foolish, or inconsequential man most often characterized by feminine mannerisms, chauvinistic speech, and an unhealthy obsession with being "cool, hip, hot, or stylish."
-a man who wears overpriced clothing, excessive calogne, and tans in an effort to appeal to the opposite sex.
-a self-absorbed man who speaks in innuendos in order to repress feelings for those of the same sex.
-a vagina

Brenton, and his gang of Chaches, are standing over in the middle of the dance club. If one was initially unaware of his presence, he/she would be immediately made aware by his scent, flashy clothing, or loud and overly chliche speach.

Amber has a dirty chach from sleeping around.

Dewane sells chach down on 22nd street.

by Dr. VanKrazy December 27, 2008

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