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choco butter

When a nigga cums in someones ass, then they keep fucking it. After when the bitch shits the creamy brown mushy mixture is choco butter

She told me how I gave her choco butter last night.

by Dr.Charels January 13, 2018

The Sunken

A word that is used to describe a group of child like figures, that has "Sunken" to their lowest of their maturity level. Someone sunken can be seen as , Immature, Childish and mental and/or physical retarded.

"You and your friends are so immature, you might as well join The Sunken"

by Dr.Charels February 11, 2018

The Sunken

A phase that is used to describe a group if child like figures, that have Sunken to their lowest maturity level. Being apart of a group known as "The Sunken" means you can be seen as , Immature, Childish and mental and/or physical retarded.

"Grow up, you are acting like you are apart of The Sunken"

by Dr.Charels February 15, 2018