A term used by those from the land of aquarius to denote a 5 dollar satchel of muggle nug, usually consisting of 1 nugget.
The Dude came by to get a nickel nug today, with his girlfriends food stamp money.
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In the 60's the number one manufacturer and supplier of LSD-25 in Europe. Rumored to have made the acid that Jimi Hendrix wrote about in "Purple Haze". Conquered by The Dude in his travels during the war.
The Swedish Acid Queen showed the dude the beauty of the land of aquarius.
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A resident of the land of aquarius, conqueror of the Swedish acid queen, and master of falling asleep while performing everyday activities such as eating or smoking a nickel nug.
The dude is always dudeing around.
The dude came by the other day to pick up a nickel nug.
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Not that magic shit, just some regular ass weed
"We got some muggle nug from the nig nog."
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Money acquired by selling ones or a loved ones food stamps, usually for much less than they are actually worth, usually to purchase drugs, alcohol, or weapons.
The dude came by the other day trying to sell me his girlfriends foodstamps. tryin to get that food stamp money.
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