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Booby Puritan

A Booby Puritan is someone who religious insists that babies should by fed breast milk instead of baby formula. Some more extreme Booby Puratans may expand this idea to replacing all milk in a child’s diet with their own breast milk, for example cookies.

Karen, the Booby Puritan, is feeding her 8 year old child breast milk. Frankly, this is disgusting, she should of stopped.

by DrAccius October 19, 2021

1👍 399👎

Performative Irony

Performative irony is when sincere things are said in such away that makes it seem ironic or not serious. While people who believe in what is being said takes it seriously. Performative irony is most common on the internet, where opinions are fluid and trolls plentiful.

This term was originally coined by Innuendo Studio’s video “The Alt-Right Playbook: The Card Says Moops”

Questionable Troll: “ nazis did no wrong”
Normal Person: “Okay, troll”
Actual Nazi: “Yes, nazis are an oppressed group, we need to rise above”
Normal person: “Woah— that was a joke right? That wasn’t Performative Irony please?…”

by DrAccius August 26, 2021

6👍 326👎


scrip is any unofficial currency used to replace legal tender/money.

For example, companies once used scip to replace workers pay checks. These workers then could exchange scrips for things in shops, owned by the companies.

Scrip was illegalized for this exact reason. Workers would rely on goods sold in these stores, usually at high markups, and if workers would want to leave they would become very poor because they weren’t paid with real money. Personally, it’s a perverted loyalty, that solely benefits the companies monopolies.

by DrAccius August 28, 2021

13👍 2👎

Is this seat taken?

When one requests if a seat close to a person is awaiting to be occupied by another person. Usually the phrase, “Is this seat taken” is uttered in public spaces such as buses, planes, or trains; where supposed travelers may move together.

Person A: Sits on a bus seat
Person B: “Is this seat taken?”
Person A: “No, it isn’t”
Person B: Calmly, sits adjacent to Person A.

Nothing novel or humorous transpires to keep the readers interest.

by DrAccius January 2, 2022


Term for eight times.

Once, Twice, Thrice, Quadice, Quintice, Sexice, Septemice, Octoice

by DrAccius November 16, 2021

1👍 55👎


Zenhole is the combinations of the words zen and asshole. A zenhole is a person who has detached themselves from reality in search of enlightenment (A.K.A. Buddhism). However, in search of enlightenment they have accidentally became an asshole to the people around them. In other words, others emotions are immediately discarded due to the difference in beliefs.

This term was originally coined in Sarcastic Chorus’s YouTube video titled, “Adventure Time Together Again: Finding Closure”. More specifically the timestamp for this term is 17:04.

I was crying about my sister’s death to the Buddhist, but he just said for me to let it go. I know he said that because of his religious beliefs, but it just made him sound like a Zenhole.

by DrAccius June 7, 2021

4👍 177👎


It’s a slang term for the loose skin at the joint of the elbow. But of course you’re thinking about penises, right? Jokes aside, the medical term for this piece of anatomy is the olecranon skin.

Sucking someones unerect penis, is like sucking their elbow’s weenus.

by DrAccius January 28, 2022