Source Code


1. A variation of the word 'skills', whther it be involved in sports, love-life, or games.

2. Another term for cash, money, etc.

1. You can't take me on the court! You got no skrills!

2. Eh, could I borrow some skrills from you?

by DrE February 12, 2005

16πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


The biggest drug dealer in Montgomery County. Wanted by the County for selling a quarter ounce to undercover cops.

"Dude lets go get some nug from action!!!"

by DrE February 25, 2004

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

shut up

to cease to talk.

shut the fuck up, idiot

by DrE March 25, 2003

1206πŸ‘ 444πŸ‘Ž


when the guy sticks his pointer and middle finger into the girls vagina just like a hummingbird would do to the nectar of a fucking flower

i gave sara the hummingbird last night when i realized she didnt have any underwear under her tight ass skirt!

by DrE November 25, 2003

45πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


A cybernetic organisim. Living tissue over metal endo-skeleton. Created by Skynet, commonly used in human assassination missions. Can be reprogrammed to protect humans. Come in different models - ex. T-1, T-600, T-800, T-850, T-1000, T-X

I'll Be Back!!!

by DrE July 16, 2003

142πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Dude, Don't dude me!

What you tell a person you are having a serious conversation with when they try to trivialize the discussion topic by interrupting you the informal pronoun dude.

Sample Conversation...
Jim says, "John, you need to show your mother a little more respect."
John replies,"Dude?" (as in dude are you serious?)
Jim replies, "Dude. Don't dude me!"

by DrE March 2, 2005

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Oak Cliff

Term>1. The shizzle fo' the ghetto mexican gangsters to hangout. The only place in Texas where you will get shot for getting shot by someone else who got shot.

Term>2. The only place in the U.S. where a mexican person will call a white person nigga.

Term>3. A place where even crackaz get props just fo' livin' near the OC.

"Oak Cliff! That's my hood! Put in yo' face, get that shiz undahstood!

by DrE February 26, 2005

709πŸ‘ 404πŸ‘Ž