Source Code

The Urbs

affectionate abbreviation for our beloved Urban Dictionary.

Mr A: are you on The Urbs right now?
Dr B: damn right!

by DrJonas March 15, 2007

36πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


a single eyebrow raised into a quizzical position.

Mr A: the time-space continuum has always puzzled me...
Dr B: i can tell, you are displaying a whybrow.

by DrJonas March 13, 2007

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


term used to describe a cross between a message and an essay, on the popular myspace website or similar. usually overly long and elaborate, with minimal point.

Dr A: did you get my messay?
Ms B: yeah, but i couldn't be bothered to read it or reply to it yet.

by DrJonas March 16, 2007

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Convulsive Viewing

Unlike compulsive viewing, this is a TV program or series that causes convulsions of the stomach, or full body. This could be a food program that has gone horrendously wrong, or any form of epilepsy-inducing imagery.

Mr A: "Did you catch that Japanese flashing robot cartoon cookery show last night?"
Dr B: "Yes, but sadly it gave me seizures and the food made me vomit... That's what I call convulsive viewing."

by DrJonas February 6, 2010


1. To be slapped in the face with a fish and a Snickers bar simultaneously, ideally one on either cheek.

2. To have a smelly downstairs area if you are a lady.

1. "Ow my beautiful face! I can't believe you just fishnickered me!"

2. "Sorry about the smell lads, I'm pretty fishnickered today."

by DrJonas February 1, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

wrong boner

An erection (or boner) achieved whilst watching inappropriate or even non-sexual material, such as scenes featuring:

1. Incest
2. Children
3. People dressed as manatees
4. Cartoon characters
5. etc.

"I got such a wrong boner watching..."

1. The sex scene in Oldboy
2. Natalie Portman in Leon
3. Manatee porn
4. A pixelated Sonic The Hedgehog with porn sounds added on YouTube
5. A picture of a shoe

by DrJonas February 4, 2010


Rare delicacy food found in the morning (or afternoon) after a house party. It is made by using a leftover meaty snack as an ashtray, often without the owner of the fast food being aware. Seeing (or eating) such delights on a hungover morning may lead to nausea effects.

At 3pm on the day after a house party:

Mr A: "Morning duuude, how hungover are you? I feels terribles..."
Dr B: "I've been horrendously sick after microwaving a bit of breakfast kebabanash and devouring it."

by DrJonas February 4, 2010