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term used to describe a cross between a message and an essay, on the popular myspace website or similar. usually overly long and elaborate, with minimal point.

Dr A: did you get my messay?
Ms B: yeah, but i couldn't be bothered to read it or reply to it yet.

by DrJonas March 16, 2007

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The sickly feeling you experience after eating too many pancakes. Commonly associated with Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) or more often, the day after.

Mr A: "Dude, I feel really ill after eating all those pancakes yesterday..."
Dr B: "Yeah man, I'm also experiencing the pangover."

by DrJonas February 17, 2010

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


SMSTD or S.M.S.T.D. abbr.

1. noun. Short Message Service Transmitted Disease: a text message of a comical sexually transmitted disease such as chlamydia.
2. verb. to send a textually transmitted disease over a mobile phone.

I spent my office hours SMSTDing syphilis to everyone in my address book. not many people found it as funny as i did.

by DrJonas December 11, 2006

38πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Z list

the section of your MSN messenger contact list used for people you don't really want to talk to, or you would generally ignore, but are too polite to delete. the category can be anything beginning with the letter 'Z', as it will then appear below all the other categories.

my Z list is almost as long as my friends section!

by DrJonas January 17, 2007

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communicating with a stranger or someone you have just met, via the internet.

"i added whatsherface on myspazz, hopefully i'll get (s)talking soon!"

by DrJonas November 24, 2007

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

pop up pirate

Legendary character that allegedly made his first appearance at Leeds festival 2004, so named for his imitation of the childrenҀ™s game where you stick swords in a barrel until the pirate "pops up". This particular version however involves the guy getting inside the disgusting pit below one of the toilet blocks, then waiting for someone to be about to urinate etc, then sticking his head out of the hole and shouting "POP UP PIRATE!!" Imitate at your own risk!

Mr A: I was about to go take a leak in the bogs, but there was some guy in the pit!

Dr B: YARRRRR!! it be pop up pirate!!

by DrJonas August 31, 2006

170πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Rare delicacy food found in the morning (or afternoon) after a house party. It is made by using a leftover meaty snack as an ashtray, often without the owner of the fast food being aware. Seeing (or eating) such delights on a hungover morning may lead to nausea effects.

At 3pm on the day after a house party:

Mr A: "Morning duuude, how hungover are you? I feels terribles..."
Dr B: "I've been horrendously sick after microwaving a bit of breakfast kebabanash and devouring it."

by DrJonas February 4, 2010