Source Code


Pronounced "Friends-lee"

A word that indicates that you are in no way, shape, nor form friends with another person.

To be friendsly with another, one must have no intentions of or be in anyway in a mutual relationship involving respect, kindness, loyalty, nor honesty and/or anything else related to or involving any normal or REAL relationship with another that might be considered or viewed as a friendship.

Note: Tim hates Jerry
Tim- Wow man im so friendsly with Jerry its completely bonkers!!!!

Ex #2
Note: Jordi has neither met nor likes any commonly known celebs.
Jordi: Bradster Smells-ike-pits once stole my acting ideas and styles, but its ok I'm over it now and we're all sortsa friendsly!!

(Remember: Jordi hates Bradster and all other famous people of the ass-hattery persuasion or lifestyle due to her being all jelly like for cereal guise! As well as because of her pre-disposition to bejng a truly absent minded, typically over weight, star idolising , non-unique in any real fashion, Kardashian gushing, lower than 80 IQ having, and also coming pre packaged with the "In-Ability" to think for one's self, real all American girl that she is.

Ex #3.

The writer and creator of this particular urban dictionary definition (i did not create this word however) is extremely friendsly with anyone that can relate to, in anyway, anyone that comes remotely close to being as simple-minded as Jordi!!! Like haha lol omg for cereal my swagster hood boi bling blings. Im like totally lol rn and too lazy to finish spelling wurds! Teehee

by DrewbyDoobz October 3, 2017

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