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Someone who claims to be extremely straightforward but secretly feels offended and waits for enough time to mention it so that it can be used as a joke instead of getting it sorted at the time. Good driver but serves as a driving instructor on the passenger seat and looks down upon even remotely fast driving. Loves appearing to be stupid so that people can be spellbound when he gets an occasion to prove himself. Great teacher who lets his students help him discover his real passion in life. This name depicts people who taunt people by quoting others instead of coming up with something original.
PS- Don't ask them to crack jokes, it puts them on the spot
PPS- Has an affinity for North Indian girls.

Eg. Don't hold it in Man, it's okay to let it out, otherwise you're just another Abhishek!

by Driving Instructor101 January 31, 2021

21👍 3👎


Difficult however fails to describe the last few moments before the final exit. The last few glances, the most comfortable yet most uncomfortable hug, and even the process of physically and emotionally letting go, even temporarily
It is fun however when difficult refers to the task of not being able to decide between the epitome of the comfort of being in a tent vs exploring the outside world. Difficult is also fun when it includes dilemmas of what to eat and matters of personal hygiene like brushing at night and optional second showers.

However, difficult is not fun when it comes to dropping someone off and literally waving and walking away. No amount of turning around and still seeing them and seeing the same nostalgic smile on their face will change that.

Difficult is the journey back home, which doesn't feel so homely anymore and difficult is reading sentimental texts from the person who has just left trying hard to make it less depressing

Difficult is sleeping at night the next day comparing it to the previous nights and most difficult is to feel this for so many nights even after that. Difficult is discussing the memories and not being able to express the longing even if it's already been discussed, because no words can do justice

Difficult is to carry on with normal life without feeling like it's all a show you have to put on because reminiscing is even more difficult, even though frequent discussions help yet in their own way make it more difficult to bounce back

Although it definitely gets slightly less difficult(2) when shared with your constant.

by Driving Instructor101 April 14, 2021


I would have stuck to the conventional word, 'Hard' but we all know the first thought that would pop into most of your minds (gutter) on seeing it, thus it's safer to stick to something that sounds more adult ish, ie difficult.

Literally referring to something which is not easy to do, difficult specifically does not even begin to describe what it's like for two constants to go through, for most of their shared life.

Right from waiting for the days between their next trip, to disappear so that they can be reunited, every day of the countdown is difficult. It gives hope yet doesn't make time go by any faster. Speaking of trips, difficult is what the end of every intimate every moment feels like, thinking that it may be amongst the last for a while, if not much longer .
Difficult is feeling it, discussing it and despite gaining support in the process but yet having no solution to it.

Difficult is The last night knowing that it will not just be everything its supposed to be and more, but that it won't take place the next day and that no night till the next meeting, will compare to it.

Difficult is packing up to leave on the last day after knowing how great it felt to unpack on the first and how unfair it is to be packing up already, when it feels like everything just began.

Example- "You shouldn't miss your flight, we should leave"
"Yes, but I want to stay for a bit longer"
Me too, but that's only going to make it more difficult(1)

They leave immediately


by Driving Instructor101 April 14, 2021

Specific Friend

Two people who usually start off as acquaintances and find common ground in the most fundamental spheres so much so that all the differences between them that they discover in the course of knowing each other, stop mattering and only start drawing them further towards each other in the most amusing yet deeply rooted manner.

They then transition from becoming friends to something that put the words 'friend' and even 'best friend' to shame and effortlessly at that. Neither time, distance nor arguments of all sorts- that of a silly nature to something pretty serious, nothing can shake it off and the process of figuring out those arguments only go on to strengthen the bond that already existed.

This specific friendship includes emotions that cannot be explained, but only be felt in outbursts so strong that it hurts parts of the body that were thought to not exist. It includes a passion for togetherness which cannot be measured in any form except some sentimental and explicit emojis.

This specific friendship can survive the most grueling of circumstances and make you feel at complete 'shanti' as it gets, thus its nothing less than one in a 'mil'.

It also leads to several fights, sleepless nights but ultimately exclusive rights.

This kind of friendship is a constant.
It cannot be generalized or replicated, hence it is very specific.

For example: AnA are not the best of friends. They are very specific friends.

by Driving Instructor101 March 31, 2021