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Urban Beyblade

When you decide that you've sunk low enough to purchase Urethral Beads, only to insert them and rip them out like a 4th grader playing with a Beyblade.

"Beyblade Beyblade let it ri-AAAUUUUGGHHH!"

"So I decided to play Urban Beyblade last night."
"How was it?"
"I'm throwing away my Urethral Beads"

by Drunken Bastard August 7, 2021

Two Dudes One Toilet

When two piss drunk best friends need to puke, but there's only one toilet, and so little time.

"Dude, me and Tommy got so fucked up last night, that we did the old two dudes one toilet!"

Don't get drunk enough to have to do "Two Dudes One Toilet" with your best friend.

by Drunken Bastard June 21, 2021