come on let's keep it real that kiddy tickling, daughter fucking, kid caging, tax evading, military hating, russia butt kissing, family separating, instigating, racist, imbecilic, washed up, proud boy loving ass, impeached ass, tired ass, virused up ass, old ass stain of a man should never have become president. We watched him ignore a virus that killed hundreds of thousands, add fuel to the fire during a social justice movement , shame our country by questioning and then trying to strip our democracy, tear gas citizens so he could take a photo op with a bible he has never read, blame mental health for gun crimes and say guns themselves are not the problem. why do snowflake republicans defend this guy like he's their favourite auntie
fuck donald trump yeeah yeeahhh fuck donald trump yeahhh
i like white folk but i don't like you
all the niggas in the hood wanna fight yu
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