The worst possible university you could ever dream of attending. The average student is an absolute tool of below average intelligence, if you don't believe this look at some of the spelling errors in the descriptions written by the students themselves. Baylor boasts low acceptance rates, wanna know why? Because they send out applications to every single student in the entire world and to apply you basically just write your name down, it's called the snap app. Although they have all the capacity for great traditions, the students are too disrespectful and arrogant to respect them. Case in point, the eternal flame, which is meant to honor the immortal ten, a group of baylor athletes who were killed by a bus about seventy years ago. During this "tradition" students managed to hospitalize a cop and two of their fellow students, talk about respect for the dead. Baylor is actually proud to host "Sing" which is basically a demonstration of how big of a nancy every single baylor male is. Seriously, the thing is like broadway. The only thing gayer than broadway is two dudes fucking. The university is a palatial bubble surrounded by utter poverty, to which the baylor community turns up its nose. Oh yeah, you have to go to chapel, too, but don't expect any credit hours. Attending this university is like going to a daily douchebag conference. Think of the lamest kid you know, that kid would be popular at baylor.
baylor university: where the girls are girls and the boys are too!
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