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Alright, so all the other definitions I've seen about Gypsies are so full of shit and racist I can't believe it. Since you all see my people as "Child thieving" I'll show you what I'm hearing with another example:


Naturally inferior to whites and are great workers with minimal whippings needed. Niggers survive on a diet of fried chicken and water Mellon but it has been known for these savages to cook humans in a large cauldron.

This is the kind of bull shit like that I hear everywhere on the internet. There are bad Gypsies but there is also bad non-gypsies as well isn't there. I read a post about someone wanting to shoot us with a shotgun and make us eat dog shit. How can we live in a world were all people are born equal when this is how a race of people with no representatives are show. So if you want to be as racist as some people are to Gypsies then go onto a public bus and order a black man to get up and give you a seat then you will be know as a racist ass hole but call Gypsies thieves and inbred that's all just a funny joke because you all know we gypsies are all nothing but scum.

I am a Gypsy.

They are Gypsies

by DubstepSniper October 11, 2014

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