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Shirshul A name, usually given to females. Can be found uncommonly in the center ,and rarely in the house. Anyone with this name is usually dumb but funny and most of shirshuls are narcissist and have a lot of fake friend but, also shirshul are unattractive to the naked eye but everyone likes them as friends and not more shirshuls are amazing as bestfriend

Hey Shirshul where are you?
Shirshul can you call me later?

by DuckLoverPotato May 20, 2020


A name, usually given to males. Can be found uncommonly in roblox ,and rarely in the discord server. Anyone with this name is usually dumb but funny look like a fly sort of and the idobuts are good friends

Hey! look its Idobut

by DuckLoverPotato May 20, 2020


Balti is a name given to beautiful grown up man who are buff and athlete and most of the baltis are fuck boys but have so much charm and can fake relationship with girls but as for the boies baltis are the most epic humans and funny and mostly they are the most handsome guys there also you can find the name balti common in the netherlands

Damn dude u are so balti

by DuckLoverPotato May 20, 2020

2👍 1👎


An exclusive name for the greates fanfic ever made shironi is the great story of two friend who fell in love and made love a story who is really popular at israel and got a lot of appreciation from the readers

Do you know shironi?

by DuckLoverPotato May 20, 2020