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The best instrument in the world. People like to make fun of it for the whole American pie thing and how high it is, but they're really just in awe of its supreme glory! You know that saying, about jealous people? Yeah.

Anyway flutes are generally made out of metal (silver, nickel, gold, platinum, alloys, etc) although Baroque flutes are often made out of wood. Flutes can play lower than most people expect.

Did I mention it's prettyful?

One day, flutes will take over the world. Until then I'll just sit here and cry.

by Ducky April 25, 2005

361πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Penrith Socialist Party

A small political party from Penrith, Cumbria, U.K. that promotes 'Socialism In One Town'.

Not to be confused with the Socialist Party of Penrith, or the Penrith Party of Socialists.

"The Penrith Socialist Party have really good policies and should be elected in the next local elections. They also have excellent moustaches!"

by Ducky May 5, 2005

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

band aid

A girl that travels with and has sex with the band group members.

A Band Aid is an attractive/very sexy Band Groupie that has been invited to travel with a band group in their buss or plane in place of furnishing her own transportation to follow the band from city to city and is furnished food and clothing in exchange for sex with the band members and roadies.

Reference to Band Aid is mentioned in the movie "Almost Famous".

Debbi was picked from a bunch of Groupies to be a Band Aid because she fucks like a mink.

by Ducky April 30, 2004

64πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Deep fried potato wedges. Sort of like French fries, but a bit fatter. The term is used in the Pacific Northwest.

At KFC, I ordered two extra-crispy chicken strips and some jojos.

by Ducky July 28, 2007

235πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


A former Australian Rules footballer of some note with a name sounding more like well proportioned woman bosoms.

Geez mate, that new broady chick's got fair bosustows.

by Ducky January 21, 2005

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An oral sex musical chairs game. Another version of train.

An equal number of girls and guys, 4 or more pairs line up in a circle with the guys back to back and the girls on their knees in front of the guys.
Someone starts the music playing and the girls start to suck off the guys. When the music stops and restarts the girls go to the next guy in rotation and start sucking him.
When a guy cums he is out of the game but the girls still continue the rotation each time the music stops and starts.
The object of the game is for the guy to hold off cuming as long as possible, the last guy to cum is a winner and the girl that made the most guys cum is a winner.

This was discussed on the Oprah Show.

Carol said she won by rotating 9 guys and got 3 off.

James shot his load on the first rotation but Gary won by holding off until last.

Reference the Oprah Show. train

by Ducky May 2, 2004

59πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

the guardian

A left-wing British newspaper usually picked on by right wing idiots for retaining journalistic integrity and not scaremongering with every headline.

"Hey did you read the Guardian today, and notice how it doesn't twist everything to be somehow the fault of Tony Blair, Muslims or immigrants, and that nowhere was the term 'PC gone mad!' used?

"Yeah, it rocks."

by Ducky February 22, 2007

324πŸ‘ 792πŸ‘Ž