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Complicated Wank

A reach around with added difficulty.

While juggling 9 cats and eating Doritos? That’s a complicated wank!

by Dudeknowsstuff July 30, 2021


Ty is the perfect wingman and won’t hesitate to give you a rusty trombone if you buy him lunch

Bring Ty, it’s a win-win situation.

by Dudeknowsstuff June 14, 2021

15👍 5👎


When a young person explains something obvious to a GenXer because they don’t understand sarcasm and assume everyone over 30 is ignorant.

GenZer: Actually the reason is….

GenXer: Thanks for GenZsplaining that to me *eyeroll*

by Dudeknowsstuff March 3, 2023


When used by Brew, not humble at all

Brew said he was humble. Be we know…

by Dudeknowsstuff July 4, 2021