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art school

Art school is a place where untalented hipster bullshitters gather to share their terrible ideas and feelings of superiority over anyone who actually has talent. If you are good at drawing or painting art school is not for you because you will eventually become a trembeling, drooling, crying shadow of your former self because being technically good is something to be mocked. The reason that art school morons mock actual talent is because they fear that one day the general public will realise that modern art is rubbish.

I would reccomend art school to anyone who has no talent what-so-ever. So, if smearing poo down a canvas is your thing, I'd say art school is for you.

art school kid 1: I painted this portrait because my work speaks for itself and I don't need a gimmick to sell my work

art school kid 2: That is awful, I can't believe you are good at painting, that is SO 1800s! You will never be successful because you are not DEEP like me! I smeared vomit and blood on a canvas because I am making a comment on the unequality of women in the work place! I AM SO CLEVER!

by Dunkel Popping April 29, 2012

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