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Getting really really high. Comes in three forms: Sega, Super Sega, and Third Person Sega.

Yo slave bizzle what we doin tonight??

Shit i dont know lets get fucking sega!

by Dustin Hise October 20, 2006

66👍 98👎

about that

1. When someone has asked you to do something for them, in which you agreed to do it, but then you forget to.
2. When you borrow something then lose or break it and dont tell the borrower, then they ask about it.
3. When you owe someone then you don't have their money.

1. Hey Miller what happened to you last night i thought you were going to come over and smoke one?
"About that....."
2. Hey fatboy wheres that T-rock cd I let you borrow did you copy it yet?
"About that....."
3.Yo Matt you got that 120 you owe me bwoy?
"About that....."

by Dustin Hise October 20, 2006

57👍 18👎