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Slipper Sneaks

Slippers that also act as tennis shoes. They can be worn at night or as normal tennis shoes during the day. They are often worn with a bathrobe when doing the nightly exercises known as "Moon Stretches". The only known pair of Slipper Sneaks belongs to GYSGT. Beatrice Middleton. They are crazy sweet. So if you want your feet to be fit for weeks get yourself a pair of Slipper Sneaks.

Beatrice: Hey honey, did you see that moon? I'd better put on my Slipper Sneaks.

Bryant: Okay, it must be time for our Moon Stretches again. But what are Slipper Sneaks?

Beatrice: Only the most comfy sneakers ever! They're not only slippers, they're tennis shoes. You see here? (she lifts her foot up showing Bryant) See, they look like a tennis shoe. But they're also a slipper.

Bryant: Where can I get a pair? I love these!

Beatrice: Easy, honey. I've got tons of these. Now how about we do a nice, soft massage on you? These Slipper Sneaks would work great for that.

Bryant: Awesome! That felt really good. You almost went whole body, there.

Beatrice: Yes, Slipper Sneaks rule! A sneaker and a slipper combined. The best shoes any Gunny Granny could wear. A Gunny Granny's gotta love her shoes, now. (She kisses Bryant)

by Dusty's Baby Powder December 4, 2011

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Swampy Romp

A date between Martha Halftrack and Bryant Hollifield. Held unbeknownst to her husband, Amos. Its very sneaky; the other soldiers don't know they're doing it. But Amos finds out everytime.

Marty: Hey, how about a Swampy Romp tonight? We'll sneak around and the boys won't even know.

Bryant: Great! I bet Papa Amos will be mad as a hornet.

Marty: Knowing him he probably will. He'll probably make us do a PT workout. But, hey, its just us. Nobody else.

Bryant: But what if he saw? Would he tell? Would I get thrown off base?

Amos: (hearing Bryant) No. We would never throw you off the base. Not here at Camp Swampy, anyway. Remember, I'm your Papa Amos. And I love you.

Marty: Yeah, and I'm your Grandma Marty. You can't forget that! We always have these little dates. So we're always rompin' around the Swamp.

Bryant: We'll romp around the Swamp tonight. We'll romp around it 'till broad daylight. We're gonna romp, gonna romp, gonna romp around tonight. Its a Swampy Romp!

by Dusty's Baby Powder August 4, 2011

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Halftrack Slip

A crazy funky dance created by Amos Halftrack. Was first done on April 10, 2011. In order to prepare for this dance, punch or some other liquid must be spilled on the ground so as to make the other person slip in it. Thus creating the image of dancing although it is not. It often ends with the person slamming down onto their bottom with a loud WHOMP sound.

Papa Amos: Hey, wanna dance? There's 'Why Don't We Just Dance' is playing.

Marty: Well, of course. We're gonna have to do the Halftrack Slip here. I'll go get that punch bowl and dump it on the ground. (she takes the punch bowl and pours it on the floor)

Papa Amos: Well, here goes nothing. (He slips and crashes into Sergeant Snorkel who starts laughing at him)

Orville: What is this? This dance looks fun!

Papa Amos: Its the Halftrack Slip. Its the latest craze here at Camp Swampy. Why don't you try it? (he hands Sgt. Snorkel a cup of punch which Sgt. Snorkel pours on the floor)

Stainy: Sweet heavenly angels! This dance is going to slip us all the way back to heaven!

Marty: You're right! We'll be slipping our way through this old swamp until we called up to the Pearly Gates. (she starts rotfl)

Papa Amos: This is more than the Halftrack Slip. Its also the Camp Swampy Stomp!

by Dusty's Baby Powder April 11, 2011

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Minty Juney

A creamy, minty drink made by June Drabble around St. Patrick's Day. Its almost the same as a Rocky Ralph but with crushed mint leaves on top. Its one of the most delicious things you could ever drink. So if you want a good Irish drink that will make your sweetie go looney, get yourself a Minty Juney! And remember, June Drabble said so!

June: Hey Beatrice, you want a Minty Juney?

Beatrice: Sure! I've never had one. What is it?

June: Its a great drink I make around St. Patrick's Day. Mint chocolate chip ice cream, Bailey's Irish Cream, and crushed mint leaves. (June makes one)

Beatrice: Wow! This is soo creamy! I'm gonna have to make it for the other guys.

June: Sure, it'll make you think you hung the moon.

Beatrice: Here you go, sweetie. This is to us! The Minty Juney rules! (they clink their glasses) Slainta!

by Dusty's Baby Powder May 23, 2012

Cop Coach

A mall cop that also coaches youth sports, especially their kids' soccer team. The most famous Cop Coach is Ralph Drabble who helps referee his son, Patrick's, soccer games. Cop Coaches are often criticized by their bad calls. But in the end a Cop Coach can be a sweet man. So next time you want a great game but you don't want to encroach, make friends with the ref, he just might be a Cop Coach!

Ralph: Great game, huh? Those boys were killing me. I was one worn out Cop Coach!

Liv: Cop Coach? What is that? Is that a cop that also coaches soccer?

Ralph: Sure, I coach my son, Patrick's, soccer team, The Varmits. He loves it! I never make bad calls on him.

Patrick: Yeah, Miss Liv, he's right. He never does make bad calls on me. He's one great coach!

Liv: Well, do you want me to help coach you, too? Me and my husband Ben could help.

Patrick: Yes, I don't need just a Cop Coach.

Liv: You are so sweet! See you at the next soccer game. Me and Grandpa Ben will be there with sweats on.

Patrick: Sweet! Cop Coaches rock!

Ralph: (blowing the coach whistle) You'd better move it, boy. You're gonna get glared!

by Dusty's Baby Powder January 13, 2012

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A dinosaur that looks very similar to a T Rex but also has Opal Crankshaft's head. Its also known as the Opalsaurs Rex, or simply the O Rex. They often wear sneakers and always have glasses. Unlike T Rexes, the O Rex is cute and cuddly. She loves hugging on her grandchildren.

Nelson: Hey Roscoe, let's read my dinosaur book. I bet you're going to love it. There are some cute dinosaurs in here.

Roscoe: (barking at Nelson) Woof. This is going to be fun! I bet we'll see an Opalsaurus.

Nelson: Ok. (He begins to read)

Opal: (Warm California Sun playing on her headphones) Here comes the Opalsaurus! Look out now! She's coming to get you! (singing) She's out here having fun in that warm Jurassic sun! ROAR!

Nelson: (screaming, making Roscoe jump) Why did you do that? You scared me!

Opal: Sorry, honey. I was only doing my aerobics, pretending to be a dinosaur. You know, the O Rex wouldn't hurt you! I'm your grandma for crying out loud.

Nelson: (laughing) Weird. I never knew you you would make a good dinosaur.

Opal: There's tons of grandma dinosaurs. The Opalsaurus is just one of them. And they love their grandkids!! You know what time it is now? How about if old O Rex gives you a rub down. You know, a massage? How would that be?

Nelson: Great! You sure make a great dinosaur! If you're the O Rex, I'm the Nelsonasaurus.

Opal: Well, ok, let's get to work! (starts singing again) We'll be out here having fun, in this warm Sparks, Nevada sun! (saying it twice).

by Dusty's Baby Powder April 2, 2011

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Marty Massage

A circuit training program which combines exercise with massage. This was created by Major Martha Halftrack, US Army (Ret.). Usually done in the mornings before her husband, Amos, gets up. It is very comforting. So, if you want comfort without a barrage, go to Camp Swampy and get a Marty Massage.

Marty: Hey Bryant, you look tired, honey. What can I do to wake you up? (Suddenly snaps her hand) I know, how about a Marty Massage? You love those!

Bryant: Okay, how about five minutes of massage, then we run down to the DFAC and back again, and then another massage? (Jumps up and takes off running)

Marty: Whoah! Hold up! We haven't even done the warm up stretches, yet. Remember, you can't do PT cold body. You'd rip a muscle, sweetie pie.

Amos: What are you two doing? Oh, the Marty Massage? I love that! Can I do it, too?

Bryant: Sure! Drop and give me one-fifty! (Blows the whistle) Ten HUT!

Marty: Good God! One hundred and fifty push ups? That's a lot of push ups. That's my honeybear, don't burn him up!

Bryant: I'm not. (They all start running for the DFAC) I'm hungry. All this exercise made me want to eat.

Amos: Whoah! Me too! I gotta eat. Then, after we eat, we can burn off more goo. Good thing she knows what she's talking about.

Marty: Well, would any of you like a massage? Its not just exercise, its massage too! The Marty Massage is awesome!

by Dusty's Baby Powder August 1, 2011