A phrase popularized by the Corner Pocket webcomic community. An Emo Pirate is usually a teenager with the oh-so-unique "myspace" haircut - black and blue/red, slathered over one eye like an eyepatch. According to the experts, true Emo Pirates use Kraken ink to get the eyepatch just right.
One can immediately identify an Emo Pirate captain by the presence of more makeup and tighter pants than the other males. Legendary captains like Sadbeard and Jack Scarrow have been known to possess the infamous "double eyepatch," where both eyes are completely covered.
If one is confronted by an Emo Pirate, the best choice of action is to direct a can of bear spray into the bare eye. In the event of being out of bear spray, simply scream "YARR, matey!," and run.
Emo Pirate: "Hey, has anyone seen my Hawthorne Heights album? I need to cut myself with it."
Normal Individual: "YARR, matey!"
101👍 14👎
The only true way to end a conversation. Periods end sentences, but "ka-cha"s end discussions. Continuing a conversation after a "ka-cha" has been said is punishable by death in most states, as well as Cuba.
Girl 1: Grrrrl, you should see her prom dress - what a disaster!
Girl 2: Oh, girl, please. It can't be that bad.
Girl 1: It's the ugliest thing this side of Rosie O'Donnell! Ka-Cha!
Girl 2: *silence*
18👍 5👎
A general term used for excessive blocks/restrictions on internet access.
The term derives from port 443, the HTTPS or "secure" port. Often times, students at schools or employees under a restrictive firewall would bypass web filters by using port 443 instead of 80 (standard HTTP). Once this caught on, administrators across the world started blocking port 443 on their restricted networks, leading to "443 owned in the face."
Jill: "Crap, I can't get to my email. But maybe if I try it through the secure port..."
Random Guy: "443 owned in the face!"
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