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B+ movie

a film intentionally made to fit into the "B" movie genre, but done so well it is a really good film, unlike your standard "B" movie

"Machete" is intentionally cheesy, but the great acting and direction make it B+ movie, not a B movie.

by Dylan Thomas the Tank Engine February 6, 2011

4👍 1👎


A lie so unbelievable big that it is "Man sized" like the XXL Hungry man microwave meals.

I had to show up to divorce court and lie my ass off, but a little lie wasn't good enough for a man like me. So I amanicised a lie so big everybody laughed at me.

by Dylan Thomas the Tank Engine February 1, 2023


an unwelcome surprise visit from a grandmother

Tonight my mother in law showed up a the door and totally grambushed my kids

by Dylan Thomas the Tank Engine November 6, 2010

Beatitude adjustment

A more Christian version of instant karma, in which someone suddenly learns that the Beatitudes of the bible also have a negative side, such as: "Cursed are the arrogant, for they will inherit nothing. Cursed are those who hunger for wrongdoing, for they will be left hungry. Cursed are the cruel, for they will be shown no mercy. " rather than "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" etc.

Adam said Bo was bragging about his new car Monday and wrecked it Tuesday. That's a Beatitude adjustment for you.

by Dylan Thomas the Tank Engine December 22, 2022


a complaint hidden inside a compliment.

Joey reacted to the Goonies with this complaintliment: that was a great movie, despite how the lack of wood rot makes it completely unbelievable.

by Dylan Thomas the Tank Engine August 23, 2017