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playstation 3

Awesome video game system with slightly better graphics than the 360. DID steal ideas from the wii with the motion sensing and did steal from the 360 with the online marketplace and the PS button (BIG FUCKING DEAL). But, does/will have the best games (Killzone 2, Resistance (amazing), Gran turismo 5, ratchet and clank, GTA 4, MGS4,). Also, has a blu-ray player which itself would have costed 1000 dollars. It also has a 60GB hard drive, and FULL backwards compatability all the way to the original Playstation. Oh and all you Xbox fanboys Xbox Live isn't so great, It's not very difficult to get used to each individual games way of playing online. Also, the PS3 COMES with wi-fi capabilties unlike the 360, but u can buy it for the 360. The wireless controllers are rechargeable without having to buy a rechargeable battery and u can still play while it is charging because to charge it u just plug it in to the PS3. Also, the controllers are not batarang double-ender dildos that was actually a ploy to try and get microsoft to copy sony intelligently, they didn't.

Anyway anyone who owns a 360 and says the PS3 is just a more powerful PS2 should take a look at their 360 and then realise o wait...that's my system.

My order of system solo play.
PS3, 360, Wii...c'mon punching air or hitin a baseball alone is boring as fuck.

My order of group play.
Wii, PS3, 360
When u have a bunch of ppl the Wii pwns u can punch the fuck out of each other virtually own each other in a game of baseball blah, blah, blah. The PS3 up to 7 ppl at once and if u r playin a game like Madden or NHL u can use the motion sensors to own each other and laugh a bit. 360 same as previous gens.

Order of online play:
360/PS3, Wii
c'mon 360 LIVE isn't all that great i mean it is better than PS3 online play but $50 is kind of a waste of money when each individual game could make their own online setup and not charge u a thing or MAYBE 1 or 2 dollars, however i havn't seen that yet.

Order of graphics:
PS3, a close 360, and the far behind Wii
Just admit it 360 fans your graphics are slightly worse than the ps3's it's barely noticeable except for when u play a game that is only for PS3 cause than it shuns the graphics of all other games. And the Wii doesn't need good graphics it's innovative and fun for liitle kids, and sometimes older ppl to.

Order of value:
Wii, PS3, 360
Think about it Wii, cheap as fuck u could buy it an extra controller and a few games for the price of a PS3, A PS3 u get a 400-500 dollar videogame console, a 300-400 dollar computer, and a $1000 blu-ray player for $600, I mean the blu-ray player alone is worth more than the console costs.

Order of pwnage:
PS3, Wii, 360
Srry 360 nothing innovative nothing more useful than what the ps3 has plus the ps3 has a few extras and better graphics, and the Wii is pretty fun.

Now a bunch of 360 fanboys are gonna give me thumbs down o well I like the 360 it's good I'm just saying it's not as good as the PS3.

Billy: Hey Timmy, u gonna buy a playstation 3 or Wii?
Timmy: I already have a 360 doorknob.
Billy: O right I forgot u were to impatient to wait for the other systems before u decided. Anyway, Jimmy what about you.
Jimmy: The Wii looks like awesome sweet fun so i might get that and anyway i wouldn't bother wasting my money on a PS3, what about u Billy?
Billy: I'm gettin a PS3.
Jimmy: wtf why
Timmy: r u stupid what a waste of money
Billy: It won't be once awesome games like Gran Turismo 5 and Killzone 2 are out and it also has killer graphics and it can play Blu-ray Movies which btw Fox is planning on switching to forever so I won't have to spend $1,000 extra just so i can watch movies.
Jimmy:...Ya I guess.
Timmy: What r u talking about killer graphics my 360 owns ur PS3 and Blu-ray wtf bullshit it will never take over the DVD-HD
Billy: Whatever keep tellin urself that 360 noob.
Jimmy: Ya timmy billy is right.
Timmy: w/e fags I'm leaving.
Billy: Ok...

by Dylan of teh burlington of teh ontario of teh canada June 28, 2007

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