Source Code


Pronounced pewter

Means the answer to 2+2

Eg. 2+2 is Pwtr

by Dymphywthym May 9, 2023


A word with no vowels

Eg. Rhythm is Dymphywthym

by Dymphywthym May 9, 2023


Positioned so the shadow of the object becomes a simple shape, does not show 3d features and is unrecognizable.

Eg. The trophy was positioned Angosteriosepostionally

by Dymphywthym May 10, 2023


Many Buses (Eg Radiuses is Radii)

The Bii drove down the path

by Dymphywthym May 9, 2023

This is a long paragraph that i hope will be a real word so please accept this because it is a genuine word

The word means the word

The word began in 1988 when people wanted a long word to describe wanting a long word to be accepted as a real long word. In 1992, the word was accepted as "This is a long paragraph that i hope will be a real word so please accept this because it is a genuine word". By 1993, the word was one of the most widely used words referring to a long word to describe wanting a long word to be accepted as a real long word. In 2001, the word was used 2 times by world leaders and in 2009 the word was lost.


In 2023 the word resurfaced and is now a genuine word.

Eg. This is a long paragraph that i hope will be a real word so please accept this because it is a genuine word

by Dymphywthym May 9, 2023


A string of queries relating to one subject.

The reddit page had multiple qwios

by Dymphywthym May 10, 2023


A chip in the shape of gru's face.

The windows screen has a grupe

by Dymphywthym May 9, 2023