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The fear of a man who is named for his freakishly large mass of tangerine hair. The man feared also sports a wider-than-the-equator smile that rivals Jack Nicholson as "The Joker" in Batman.

Person with Carrotopophobia: "Carrot Top is the Scariest man alive, with Richard Simmons a close number two."

Friend of person with Carrotopophobia: "Bud, I think you need to seek professional help."

by E October 19, 2006

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A Filipino person's bitch; one who has been "whipped" by a Filipino person.

"I really want a filiyuki right now!"

by E August 21, 2003

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. Sound expressed when in total amazement and excitement

2. person who is super cool and awesome

3. A miniature robot that digs for bombs

4. a pokemon, cousin of diglet

you're my bomb-diggity. that means you like digging for bombs.

by E February 4, 2005

48πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

good fella

A guy you can trust, and who is fun to be around.

your gonna like this guy hes a good fella

by E December 30, 2003

49πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

on the real

something that is real and truthful

by E August 20, 2003

36πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


the act of banging one's head on a desk repeatedly.

that was lame. *headdesk*

by E February 6, 2005

107πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

kick the can

to die; to terminate

That old man kicked the the can in prison last week.

by E February 16, 2005

72πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž