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Noun form of the adjective bogus. A collection of unsubstantiated or untrue assertions.

Also used in adjectival form.

His resume was a massive pile of bogosity.

The bogosity level of his thesis was staggering.

by EMMA February 4, 2004

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


groovyfriedchicken, a word invented by Emma Lucas of Hull, in 2001. 'GroovyFriedChicken' means to be or see something fantastic, cool. or groovy. it is a very hip word and can also be reffered to very cute people, as they are as tasty as finger lickin' chicken.

Emma: I went to see this film today with Matt
Danielle: How was it?
Emma:Groovyfriedchicken, man.

by EMMA March 27, 2005

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


1. A site that is just becoming popular. People are beginning to see how wonderful the webmistress is.

2. Somebody becoming popular.

1. Wow! Your site is sooo silentspeak!

2. Did you notice, you are becoming silentspeak?!

by EMMA July 30, 2003

ville valo

a reason to live

listen to em! there so good!

by EMMA May 6, 2004

209πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

dippity doo

What John Reuben is doin'.

"Reuben, what is he dippity doin'?"
(It's a song, and John Reu is rippity tarkin'! Look at tarkin' if you wanna find out what John Reu is.)

by EMMA August 27, 2003

18πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

froggie style

when a person has.....you know......whatsit(s....e....x) in a squatting position

yo, i did that nigga froggie style g! it was da bomb.

by EMMA December 7, 2004

32πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


..Meaning the website myspace, ALL the scene guys n girlies just have to make up a witty name for it, to make them sound less sad. (actually making them more so)

"smile plzzz guy I just met off the street YOU'RE GUNNA BE ON MYSPAZZ KKTHNKS.X.XO"

"OMFG I have 200 people on Myspazz, I'm so more scene than you, biatch XO.

by EMMA March 31, 2005

46πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž