The creamy amalgam of sperm and smegma. Formulated when a dude with a filthy, dick cheese riddle penis beats off and nuts all over his knob and froths it together.
My roommate left is nasty as cum rag on the couch. It was covered in dried spergma.
I really need to wash my glans more often. This smegma really makes a lot of spergma when I rub one out.
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Using the hands to stimulate the genitals in preparation for sexual intercourse.
Rachel got me nice and rigid with a little hand-warming.
A derogatory term for a really shitty cunt.
Sophie is the consummate defecunt. She is just an all around shit cunt towards all her coworkers.
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A colloquial expression for an onset case of explosive diarrhea.
Don't in that bathroom brooooh. That stool has red eye gravy all over. Someone spattered it up good.
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A Moochmate is an individual, male or female, that is welcomed into a group living situation with others, but is unable to pay rent or contribute to the groupâs general living expenses. The Moochmate attempts to offset their inability to pay for rent and other expenses by providing services which can include, but not be limited to cleaning, laundry, dishes, dog watching, fruit picking and occasionally, assisting others with bathing, showering and washing their hair. However, the Moochmate is eventually asked to leave because of their drain on the wallets of the others. Moochmates typically will find another rooming situation where they can continue to mooch. But in some instances, the Moochmate must return home to a parental dwelling. In those instances, the Moochmate is often required by the parent to repay the most recent roommates of the Moochmate with cash after being required to get a job.
Leslie and Tanna welcomed Donna into their apartment as a new roommate. However, after about 3 months, they realized that Donna was not a roommate, but rather a Moochmate and they asked her to leave.
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Jizzing all over her titties. Blowing your load of ropes all over her breasts.
Rachel loves it when Iâm butternâ her biscuits.
1. The nickname of the well renowned hillbilly heaven that is the State of Missouri.
2. To reach the appropriate point in a relationship or friendship between two people, straight or gay, when it is time to expose each other's genitals to one another to know what you have to work with.
1. Stan took a vacation to Branson, Missouri. Never had he before seen such an enclave of red necks and hillbilly folk. He was so thankful when he left that he had not been dragged into the woods and made to squeal like a pig.
2. After two months of dating, Dan and Karla had reached The Show-Me State. Karla was ready to see the heat that Dan was packing and to give in a long awaited Hummer. Unfortunately, she was sorely disappointed when she discovered all she was going to be dining on was a Vienna Sausage.
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