Noun: 1. slang for speed, methamphetamine, chard, glass, ice, tina, ish, $hit.
2. Can also be used in a more general way in reference to "miscellaneous things"
Not to be confused with "fo-shizzle", which means for sure.
She must be high on shizzle talking at 100mph about nonsense.
Noun: someone who is creative/inventive when on a bomb one (meth).
Verb: the act of modifying something while on a bomb one.
A compound word: shizzle (meth/speed}) + Macgyver = shizgyver
Ez is such a shuzgyver when he's amped on speed. Always shizgyvering stuff to make it more functional than its original form.
The modern equivalent to the term "on a good one". In reference to someone who is under the influence of meth.
Homie must be on a bomb one laughing so hard at nothing.
Noun: slang for speed meth ice pronounced like "shard"
That chard looks like some bomb ish.