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double indemnity

When life insurace is pretentiously doubled because of cause of death in specific way. Also known as a great film noir from the 40's.

double indemnity is a film noir classic loved by many film students and critics.

by Eazy-X February 13, 2008

9πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


to talk passive aggressively about something without having the guts to take real action. ranting usually takes place behind someone's back or safely on the internet behind the computer screen. to rant is to talk big but to have little balls. ranting also refers to the politically and religiously self riteous who talk a bunch of useless bullshit that makes no difference but expects everyone to aggree.

some guy made a bunch of nasty racist rants on the internet because he knew if he did it face to face he would have gotten his fucken face kicked in.

by Eazy-X January 2, 2008

33πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž


sia kate isobelle furler. a great vocalist and song writer. she sang a bunch of songs for the trip hop group zero 7. she also has a few solo albums out. some people have real problems is her latest installment. a great album comparable to feist's the reminder album.

sia is an awesome artist. i like her voice and personality.

by Eazy-X February 14, 2008

139πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

good ol' boy

no such thing. a white trash republican redneck that tries to one up everybody with a pompous backwoods cocky attitude. A loud drunk and obnoxious country hic without class. All good ol' boy types aren't really good boys at all.

Good ol' boys are annoying trailer meth addicts.

by Eazy-X February 1, 2008

184πŸ‘ 548πŸ‘Ž

war monger

a lover of war. obsessed with everything about war and the history of war.

war mongers are people who love guns and weapons.

by Eazy-X February 14, 2008

23πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


I once had a guy do a drive by insult on me as i was walking my dogs. he called me a fagot ass motherfucker. i remembered his face and car. i ran into him accidentally when he was walking out of a store months later. i pissed into a bottle and splashed it all over the interior of his car. i also dumped salt and water into the gas tank of another different drive by insult. drive by insults are for passive aggressive trash who think they have the last laugh. I'm still laughing now, motherfucker!

drive by insults may be funny for the passive driver, but some people like myself have taken REAL ACTION for vengeance. they don't know when it's coming or how. justice

they only think they can get away. but i've made sure to remember their face, car and plate.

by Eazy-X April 28, 2008

35πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

bored american

americans who have not much going in their lives so they start up arguments over politics, war, music, modern art, religion or any other abstract thing. they normally do it over the internet from the safety of their home. they are the passive aggressive. they state strong beliefs to others because they subconsciously realize their useless existence but will deny it. they are sad and depressed, they have low self esteem. they are the ones who will call anything pretentious, they will blame others for being pretentious hipster. they will argue their points within a safe circle of family and friends, anything they disagree with will be saved for the internet stranger. they expect everyone to be the same. they normally use words like fag, stupid, moron, retarded, bitch on the internet and can't go beyond that. they are the cyberbully teenage kid. they will try their hardest to insult people on the internet but can't go beyond that. they are the slacktivist with political bumper stickers.

the bored american is a slacktivist

by Eazy-X May 14, 2008

19πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž