A sexual technique used in the doggy-style position where, just before you cum, you say something designed to provoke violence from the person you are fucking, at which point in time you have to try to hold on for at least 8 seconds.
Say this next time you are fucking your partner doggy-style: "Can't you wiggle your ass a little? Your sister/mother/brother/dog/whatever isn't such a dead fuck..." and enjoy the rodeo!
8π 7π
A socially acceptable word for people of all colors to refer to their friends. Be careful not to confuse this word with the word nigger, which is a word stupid white people use when they want to have their asses kicked.
5π 5π
9. Describing the lack of ability or concern regarding a certain subject.
"I have no more fucks to give for Jerry's Kids."
2π 1π
Nature's way of telling you that the animal you are examining will taste excellently grilled.
"Dude, those kittens where so cute that I hardly needed any teriyaki sauce when I grilled them."
1π 4π
A derogatory term for a woman or any man who has to sit to piss.
"Wow, that Geraldo Rivera sure is a cunt!"
2π 2π
An abbreviation for the, "Krazy Kracker Klub," a dwindling group of fidiots who are widely known for their habit of vandalizing Christian religious symbols and bed sheets, having sex with close relatives (such as sisters and first cousins) and generally poor oral hygiene.
"Hey, who are those fidiots wearing bed sheets and fucking their sisters?"
"Oh, that's just the KKK, or Krazy Kracker Klub."
3π 10π
A word used by ignorant white people who are destined to suffer multiple stupidity-induced violent encounters throughout their lives.
Hey nigger--ow ! ow! ow! oh God please stop! Not in the face!" And so on.
5π 17π