Source Code


A coding language

Me: The only language i speak is Lua

by EchoBois October 9, 2023


The act of lurking around, then suddenly being klonked on the head by a falling object.

Tom: Guys lets go lurking!
Bob: Ok.
Tom: Thois is fu- *KLONK*
Bob: Now were klurking.

by EchoBois October 9, 2023


The act of lurking, then getting klunk'ed on the head by a falling UFO

Bob: Yo lets go lurking bro
Tom: Ok.
Bob: This is so much fu- *KLUNK*
Tom: We are now Klurking

by EchoBois October 9, 2023


Word for when you hit your all-time low and you don’t know how to get out.

I’m in bummerland right now, man.

by EchoBois February 26, 2025