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A derogatory term for pro-life people who want murder outlawed. Threats to the life of those connected to abortion from a few shitheads just give the pro-lifers a bad name.

"Those right-to-lifers are such jackasses! They're telling me not to brutally murder my offspring! So what if I have a fetish for killing infants? It lets me fulfill my power fantasies over the young and helpless!"
-Typical Liberal

by Ed February 27, 2006

47πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

money shot

This term is often used to describe a pinnacle moment in an event or the best course of action. It doesn't have to be used in a sexual context.

After hours in a tough meeting, they find the perfect conclusion:

Tom, that's the money shot right there.

by Ed November 28, 2004

399πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž

special sock

A sock one ejeculates into.
Also: magic sock

Larry's special sock stinks

by Ed November 12, 2003

42πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A laminated porcelain surface often used for placing foods on before they are digested. The shape of the earth is similar to that of a plate.

I ate coleslaw from a plate. I was then sick on the plate and fed it to my dog.

by Ed April 28, 2003

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

fuck off

To dismiss a specific activity.

I fucked off meeting Bob to stay in bed.
Had an exam earlier. Fucked it off.

by Ed May 6, 2004

42πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Texas Virgin

From reports that Texan school girls in an effort to preserve their vaginal virginity are instead indulging in anal sex; so many off shoots of definition that its effective indescribable.

these pants are as tight as a texas virgin.

by Ed February 19, 2004

40πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


blackjack the card game

Twenty-one is also called blackjack.

by Ed April 5, 2005

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž