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A device used to hold a Laptop computer
Describes a warm object (laptop computer)
holder which when placed on a persons lap
a Lapkitty provides a sense of comfort and
security. Can also describe a real cat or
person (female)that enjoys being comforted
on ones lap.

As for a lapkitty I love them all
The ones that eat or not at all.
I think it's nice at the end of day
to relax with one to pass time away.

by Ed Austin March 19, 2007


Poems - Literature - Verse combined with illustrations- Graphics and /or narration.
By computer-animated segments.
The resultant animated poetry or superpoems mix onscreen words and swirling images to raise the written word to an experience and have the ability to convey a message greater than the sum, of it's parts.
An Early Pioneer in the field for example are the works of Dr. Edmund Skellings (Poet Laureate Florida)Who refers to this work as SuperPoems. A term that so general it hardly defines the true character of the composition.
Aniwords is a definition Proposed by me Edward Austin to more closely define this New medium.

You must Experience an aniword poem to understand
Examples ie ear drummer, Senior citizen, can be found @ "animasters.com/?getpage=Gallery#"

by Ed Austin August 15, 2006

4👍 1👎


Combination of Christmas and Hanukkah
(phonetic onica for Hanukkah)
Signifies combined celebration of the
two Holidays Christmas and Hanukkah
by mixed religon familes (couples)

in stories by Susan Miller
(Parkinsons writer, poet, author)

"In a secret meeting beween Harry and Santa:
(Harry Hanukkah to Santa Claus)
Why doesn't Hanukkah get top billing?
WHY does it have to be CHRISonica?
Instead it should be "HonicaMas"?

Hanukkah comes first almost every year and lasts longer!
(Santa replies to Hanukkah Harry)
Harry be reasonable the reason is simply Chrisonica is more Phonica .
By having Chrisonica we make more Monyca$ makeing it a longer Holidonica.

Hanukkah Harry seeing the immense logic
in Santa's words had to agree. The New Holiday should be called ChrisOnica for the love of Monyca$.
"Merry Chrisonica to one and a Happy
New Chrysonica to all"

(Susan Miller c 1986)

by Ed Austin December 31, 2005

8👍 4👎