Blur's first album and imo their best album. Genre wise I would say it's a mishmash of Indie and Shoegaze. The album consists if bangers such as "She's so High, Bang, Sing, Birthday etc.
Bang is my favourite song from Leisure by Blur
Someone who's got shit for brains
Donald Trump thinks he knows better than all the scientists and has found his own cure (Hydroxychloroquine disinfectant). This has caused people to adopt such irrational behaviours such as drinking hand sanitizer all because of a shithead who spouts dangerous pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.
Japanese Singer best known for her songs Life Is Like A Boat and I Wanna Go To A Place...
Rie Fu has a beautiful voice. I could listen to her all day
The Omicron Variant didn't work, so now they've released Monkeypox.
The media and the government are tired of covid as it hasn't scared enough people, so now monkeypox has been released to terrify the masses even more.
48👍 15👎
An offensive term used by arrogant twats to dehumanise an individual diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Those who use the term are usually middle to upper class, have minimal to no understanding of how autism affects the person and probably don't have any loved ones affected by it.
I vehemently disagree with discrimination towards anyone including those with autism and absolutely despise people who use the term autist.
11👍 19👎
It's wild to think that when this French-Canadian pop singer was 13, she sang "Everyday" which is the song played at the end of the credits for Caillou's Holiday Movie (2003). She performed the French version live in the past too. The French version of the song is called Chaque Jour because that's how you say "Everyday" in French. Other than that, there's plenty of music she has released, but it's mostly in French.
Marilou Bourdon deserves more credit and attention fr.
What will happen to me for my definition of the word "idol"
Urban dictionary will probably have me banned because they can't take a fucking joke