What is it called when your crush has a crush on you too?
"iMaGiNaTiOn" ð
One of the reasons your computer or mobile phone has to be taken into ICU because you mistakenly clicked on a dodgy advert on Pornhub and now your device has been infected with Pornovirus.
Jack went to watch porn and his device got pornovirus, and had to tell mummy and daddy about it then they recorded themselves spanking him for bring a naughty boi, posted the video on pornhub as a punishment.
I had to go to the garage to fix my Range Rover, but apparently the damage is irreparable, so that's a shame
Natural chocolate produced by humans.
Person 1: Can you go to the store and get me a chocolate bar?
Person 2: How about I produce some of my homemade chocolate which comes out my ass to save money?
Person 1: Yeah good idea! Let's eat some poop chocolate!
Both: *Stuffs their faces with poop chocolate*
One of the best technical guitarists who plays for the band Metallica. He started off in a garage band called "mesh", then Exodus and Joined Metallica in 1983. He does ripping solos and playing at lightning speed.
Metallica would be nothing without Kirk Hammet. James Hetfield is a great guitarists and all, but Kirk Hammet superior
Someone who participates in sexual activity for money. They can be both Male or Female, however the term is primarily associated with females.
Person 1: Connie sent me nudes....
Person 2: What a whore. She is a dumbfuck for thinking that she is secure about her body by sending nudes when in reality she is doing it to alleviate her self consciousness of her own self image. A sure sign of a lack of self respect.
Acronym for Family Home Entertainment which used to release video tapes for kids.
FHE (Family Home Entertainment) used to release television cartoons such as:
Clifford The Big Red Dog
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pound Puppies
The Care Bears
G.I. Joe
Defenders of the Earth
Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars