The pills ugly people take in order to ensure they stay ugly. This is satire
Condo Rice takes her ugly pills every day.
26π 7π
A public lavatory, especially one in an unsophicated area.
"Where's your growler?" (As used in Russ Meyer film, 1969 by Charles Napier, actor of sorts, enquiring for the lavvy at a petrol station - or gas if you prefer).
69π 114π
The anal canal, the bottom hole, the shitpipe
Fat women need to fart in order to tell their lovers which is their lovebox and which is their downpipe.
11π 9π
A little bit of stale turd hanging onto your anal hairs.
"No one would rim him because he had a fartleberry or two"
63π 25π
Rhyming slang derived from the American actress, Meryl Streep. There are 2 meanings:-
1. Meryl Streep = sheep;
2. Meryl Streep = sleep.
The context will identify the meaning.
1. The crowd were so stupid, just a load of Meryls.
2. He was so tired he fell into a deep Meryl.
14π 28π
(noun) thief, mugger, robber (always a black person)
(verb) to go out stealing
Man, we was out tiefin' when de fuzz done catch us.
17π 52π
What Americans call a public toilet even though you cannot have a nice lie down in it (unless you are a very dirty person).
Don't even think you can have a rest in the restroom; it's for shitting and pissing in. And it pongs too badly.
312π 95π