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Edward Morgan

This guy is savage and knows all the latest memes, he can make a good joke and even some quotes. His friends call him the "Wise One" and he is dying slowly brain cell loss from listening to despapacito to much...

Tornelli: man that edward morgan guy is gay
Logn: he is ok...
Edward morgan: you are a furry and you must be terminated.

by Edward morgan January 23, 2019

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Edward Morgan

He is a svege guy that keeps up with the latest memes... DAMM BOI HE THICC. He is called the wise on by his friends and he will kill all furrys...

Mattress: That edward guys hair is not as good as mine...
Tornelli: Edward is a Meme lord.
Logan: Edward is... well... very strange...
Edward Morgan: DAMM BOI HE TH... oh Hi i am the edward sent by edward life and i will terminate all FURRYS.

by Edward morgan January 23, 2019