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1. The Binefaust language's slang for the plural of smack (meaning Heroin).
2. A Heroin addict.
3. Someone who participates in the listening of makina rave (located in the north-east of England).
4. A chaw (or chav as some smasses like to call it).

1. Lol@dazs smass, eirt vhielll one smass! ( Binefaust for haha look at that smass, they are one hell of a baghead)
2. Oh my god, you should have actually seen the state of this Smass that was down the dole office!
3. Fuck's sake man I'm pure sick of all of this Smass rave people are blaring on their gay arse phones.
4. Hahahahahaha seen the state of that little Smass, fucking prick.

by Een King December 23, 2006

3👍 9👎


canadian wigger for motherfucker

daaaaym B that shits tight marfk

by Een King April 12, 2007

5👍 1👎