The Diabolical Trinity, consisting of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Embodied by three random chicks in some podunk town in Florida who go out at night and arouse mischief through flashings, moonings, loitering, and boxing/wrestling sessions with foam The Thing Hands on beaches. Once the sun rises, they are replaced by the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) just too damn tired to give a crap about anyone's well-being.
"What is it?"
"That retarded Trinity just pulled into the parking lot!"
"Hide the children!"
18👍 66👎
The Diabolical Trinity, consisting of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Embodied by three random chicks in some podunk town in Florida who go out at night and arouse mischief through flashings, moonings, loitering, and boxing/wrestling sessions with foam The Thing Hands on beaches. Once the sun rises, they are replaced by the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) just too damn tired to give a crap about anyone's well-being.
"That retarded Trinity just pulled into the parking lot."
"Hide the children!"
15👍 61👎