A criddler; pronounced âKrid-L-erâ is a person, that often times uses drugs (but there are natural born criddlers) that goes through stuff. Could be their own stuff, could be someone elseâs, you just never know.
Criddling; used as a verb, means to riffle through things. Often, a person will criddle through their whole purse/bag while looking for one TINY insignificant item, but half way through they forgot what is was.
A criddler is NOT ALWAYS A THIEF! And a thief is not always a criddler.
An addict may criddle through your car if it is unlocked, in search of something valuable. Or criddle through a free pile on the street corner.
So long definition, short: A criddler is someone who will go through things, where ever they are, whoâs ever they are, not caring if they have the entire contents of their purse dumped on the sidewalk.
âLook at that girl over there, criddling through her purse.â
âJamie came to my house last week and criddled through my whole junk drawer!
Yep, Jamie is a criddler, been that way since she was a kid.â