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Desktop dumpster dive

When you erase incriminating evidence from your pc, only to retrieve it later from the recycle bin

Dude! She found a titty shot of my ex and I had to delete it! But no worries I will pull a desktop dumpster dive later on.

by El el fetches December 18, 2011


(n) a crunk and drunk crazy white boy who resides in a sugar shack, often trashing his house, disturbing the peace and pissing in the neighbors yard for fun.

Shackites in the building, these white boys are craaaaaaaazy.

by El el fetches May 11, 2010

35👍 5👎

Jackpot convention

A group of two or more colleagues shitting together in a public bathroom, competition to see who leaves the largest shit, aka jackpot.

I got the USA Today ready for our 330 jackpot convention

by El el fetches January 24, 2013

socialist business class

The half-assed attempt by European airlines to offer a premium airline seat by sticking a fucking piece of plastic between two economy class seats. Snobby business pricks who sit at the front of the plane still get to sip on a drink and judge the masses as they are herded to the back of the cabin, however they must be confined to the same inhuman space and rancid hot-pocket meal as everyone else.

Did you see Bill, that lucky bastard got upgraded to first class?

Yeah, but its Europe, so he will walk off the plane with hemorrhoids and mud-butt like everyone else. Socialist business class ensures everyone is treated like shit.

Any European flight has socialist business class

by El el fetches October 26, 2013

Elma Sandblaster

This move from Western New York's wintery season requires precision and creativity, when you urinate on a car hood (writing your name in cursive), and the car's owner comes out and almost catches you, you quickly grab your high-power leaf-blower and shoot the mist of yellow-snow their way, but pretending you are doing them a favor by clearing their windshield. As said owner gets into their car you smile, elbow bump, and toss a turd from your backhand into the passenger seat for them to sit on and unsuspectingly. (you must be able to shit in your hand while maintaining conversation and not getting caught, while not squishing the poo). As the person drives away you smile, wave, and then smack the next person (onlooker) in the face with the remaining poo smears in your hand.

This guy is a real Houdini, managed to pull off the Elma Sandblaster on three unsuspecting people, while maintaining a straight face.

by El el fetches February 5, 2022

sinaloa sober

To be sober from alcohol, limiting yourself to only weed & coke.

Dude I thought you were sober, what are you doing in the bathroom every five minutes? "Bumps and Beanie Rips, I'm Sinaloa sober, and need some vices in my life.

by El el fetches June 5, 2022

sinaloa sober

Limiting yourself to weed and coke.

Person 1- “Yeah I gave up alcohol , now it’s just bean rippers (nugs of coke) and brownies for this guy”. Person 2 -“ that’s not really sober” - person 1 - “it’s called Sinaloa sober - Susan!

by El el fetches June 3, 2022