Acronym for Public Porn Portal. Another name used for a public library or other public building that contains comptuers readily available to the public for browsing the internet (for porn). At our public library (PPP) all the kids go there to surf porn because of the lack of supervision and their parents just drop them off and consider the library a babysitter. Kids can learn skills such as quick windows minimizing abilities and on the lookout for passerbys and the popo. PPP users can be identifed by having a book on their lap and have 3-4 minimized windows up with a genaric page such as the homepage with an empty 'back' button history since they were not using that site (a coverup).
Frog: Hey, we have to go fix some comptuers at the public library.
Eleazar: What, you mean the PPP?
::while on the phone, Margoh the sales rep calling husband in tech support::
Margoh: Honey, I am out on the road and cant find a Starbucks with wifi.
Eleazar: Oh, just go to the PPP and hope the kids are still in school.
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