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Pull a Spifty

IPA: ˈpʊl ə ˈspɪfˌɾi


To accept an Onyxia Hide Backpack without saying anything, even though you already have one and there are mains in the raid who do not.

Origin of the term is uncertain, but some scholars believe it comes from Old Frisian (c.f. German "Ein Spifty pullen"; Dutch "een Spifty puljen"). Many believe the legendary character Spifty not to have been the first to do this.

Iron: If you already have a bag, tell us so we don't give you another one. We don't want anyone to pull a Spifty again.

by Elerin December 9, 2019

Pull an Adrenaline

IPA: ˈpʊl ən ə'dɹɜnəlɪ̃n

1) To accidentally summon Thunderaan

The term originates from the late 1600's when the Count of Adrénaline ventured to the outer reaches of Silithus by himself, accidentally summoned a legendary world boss, and had to call the whole guild for assistance or risk losing both bindings.

Chaud: Now that you have both bindings, Iron, make sure you don't go and pull an Adrenaline...
Iron: Of course not, I'm not retarded!

by Elerin March 31, 2020

To Hepple

IPA: ˈhɛˌpl̩

v. heppled, heppling

To cast Power Word: Shield on everyone in the raid, do less healing than the hunters, and then get offended when anyone makes any suggestions on how to be a better healer

Classical Latin (Hepilis, meaning "to act childishly") > Vulgar Latin (Hepilum) > Old Norman (Héple) > English

Natural History, by Pliny the Elder, Lib. XIII

In the same manner, too, Elpis, a native of Samos, on landing from a vessel on the coast of Africa, observed a lion near the beach, opening his mouth in a threatening manner; upon which he climbed a tree, and proceeded to Hepple himself.

by Elerin December 10, 2019


IPA: tʰɪk

n. (plural: tics)

1. An explosive druid, used to efficiently remove world buffs from fellow raiders after downing the boss.

From Old English (c.f. Dutch tik, Middle High German zic), echoic for a small tapping sound, first recoded use ironically to mean a large explosion in 2020 on Pagle.

Fignuts: Today in raid, there was a Tic after Vael and we all died.
Jk: Naisu

by Elerin February 27, 2020