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In football, intercepting a pass and running it back for a touchdown.

Dude 1: Man, I missed the end of the Bears game what happened?

Dude 2: ARE YOU SERIOUS? Tillman pick-housed Garcia in overtime for the W.

by Eleven58 November 19, 2007

5👍 2👎

Shower Rave

v. n. Blasting Trance/House music and flicking on and off the lights while your roommate or friend is taking a shower. Usually accompanied by dancing and yelling the words "Shower Rave" in a playful manner.

Guy in Shower: WTF?!
Roommates: BOOM! SHOWER RAVE!!!!
Guy in Shower: Ohhhh you guys..
(Guy in Shower starts dancing along)

by Eleven58 December 18, 2008